2010년 11월 13일 토요일

"you into the prison

quickly added, "Thank you, Trinidad and Tobago 9. " Zhou hills, often turned to the state, "you into the prison, you would have to make up the compensation for you. But you have escaped, the hero of our Organization. After all the drug business Teng Mai County, are you to. " feel flattered that often, they quickly rose said: "Thank you, Trinidad and Tobago 9. " Once again, Zhou said, "a few days you become familiar with Ouyang brother here. Ouyang brothers learned it, you go along with many people learn from. " The Smiling Ming often said: "that is, Trinidad and Tobago 9 said yes. " Looking at the regular and Ouyang Mo going out of the figure viewed from behind, with just Ouyang Mo froze the moment the scene, Zhou hills, face increasingly volatile. "Health in the west and east to outlaw feeling helpless. How can we see separation, only deep sea turtle. " The night. crude bamboo house, Ouyang Mo lying in bed, mouth, repeatedly that the concept of a few poems. His heart was puzzled, confusion, suffering and helplessness filled in full. Ouyang Mo grab the pillow, severely in their own. Chang Ming came in, to seize the pillow Ouyang Mo thrown out. She said, "Ouyang Trinidad and Tobago, sleep so early. And my brother is happy to find out with your son. "said Ouyang drags on and on the rashly dragged him to leave. Ouyang Mo was already a melancholy also, Ming often heard to find out, as he drag out their own. While walking along the often said: "here is to head the belt, make a living. Perhaps it will not eat which day. to enjoy a day for one more day. It is true life at night time. "Ouyang also did not answer, followed by a Council that there is not far ahead of a big feet hanging, lights, inside the transmission of intermittent if it does not imply the noisy sound. The following is a

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