2011년 2월 11일 금요일

Accepts appointment quite a little

Arrived inside the job advertisement hall, the reporter discovered, although the job advertisement booth of business enterprise and compared in early years, many some, the popularity in the hall consumedly cannot compared with former years.With former years business enterprise job advertisement booth ex- jam to seek job an university student different, the parts of business enterprise invites before the booth complete absence of callers and seems to be very desolate.Especially the medicine hygiene, some sale posts of financial insurance, accepts appointment quite a little.
The parts of business enterprise is cold and dreary, business unit there but is noisy uncommon, is all several 10 people to line up of long brigade, have of even ascend 100 people.Is just a to wait the subordinate unit exhibition in the gold Chang area street resume the Sir up the sorting say to the reporter, the business unit has annually many people to so accept appointment."A lot of students and parents still keep caring business unit very much, after all is a very secure job now, treatment although it is said not high but settled."

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