2010년 10월 17일 일요일

A. less than 28 yuan B. 1328 元 C. 30 pounds D. 560 yuan. .23. Yuchun first full concert in public

A. less than 28 yuan B. 1328 元 C. 30 pounds D. 560 yuan. .23. Yuchun first full concert in public, .D. cutting-edge presentation .24. Yuchun hour marquis what the family called and smashed chandelier .A. Stone .B. watermelon .Apple .C. D. orange .25.522 Shanghai concert, singing 26.310 spring spring birthday concert which served as chorus song (B) .A. My wings .B. Impossible .C. let ie be .D. Evening Primrose .27. New Year's Eve concert, when spring's THANK YOU DIDO spring before the concert, which hand is used to that red clover coat thrown off the stage? which is used only to hand the microphone stand to get center stage of (D) .A. right; left .B. left; right .C. right; right .D. left hand; left .28. I ask you to participate in this test Christian Louboutin Sale ecause (D) .A idle is idle, so questions of course, play hymns .B. 920 premiere tickets to stay Yuchun .C happy, so proud of her sample of what .D I am a singer Li Yuchun's fans, I love Yuchun .
29.2005 on Aug. 26, Chun-Chun personally reveal the number of votes is (A) .A. 3528308 .B. 3520838 .C. 3250838 .D. 1899892 .30. In the second year final exams, lit Yuchun passion for music learning and confidence. .A. Heart .B. I guess only you do not mind millions of times she .C. embrace tomorrow .asked .D. Second, determine (given correct errors questions need answers, 1 point for each question, a total of 20 points) .1. spring in a second tour in the spring with a black skirt sang three songs in the order of You did not he , Man Wenjun, A Duo, the new Red White Blue and other famous artists and groups have never been in any new distribution channel for singles. .wrong (no new red and blue, is the Catcher in the Rye) .

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