2010년 10월 17일 일요일

A. my heart only you did not he

A. my heart only you did not he .B. Eyes Like Yours .C. Write a song .D. hug tomorrow .13. Li Yuchun in which two super-woman tour super jump a self Mary dance .A., Guangzhou, Wuhan .B. Wuhan, Fuzhou .C. Wuhan, Jinan .D. Jinan, Nanjing .14. Li Yuchun Crest cool white experience in the endorsement before the series is the use Which brand of toothpaste A. .B. moth moth fresh mint .C. Color .D. refreshing tea cool .15. Xiaxin Zhi Li Yuchun, director handsome series of ads which country .A. U.S. .B. Korea .C. France .D. Germany .16. Li Yuchun usually Herve Leger wear a ring in which several fingers (C) .
A. right hand ring finger, right hand thumb, left middle finger .B. left ring finger, right thumb, right middle finger .C. left hand ring finger, left thumb, right middle finger .D. right hand ring finger, left thumb, left middle finger .17. Li Yuchun sing loud loud, , Peter Lau .19. Super Girl Li Yuchun, Chengdu, before the final one in the video back to Metropolis, which in the school hall to sing the song .A. my heart only you did not he .B. Eyes Like Yours .C. Blue .D. find themselves .20. Super Girl into six of eight before the competition, Li Yuchun, the Super Girls in the dressing room to help compile canvassing which song .A. Jing-Yi Chao .B. Ya-Li Huang 21. signing too, when combined spring wheat fields in spring and Zhang Yadong, a song co-teacher, the song is (C) .A. tomorrow .B. today .C. yesterday .D. the day after tomorrow .22. Yuchun who's most famous and popular piece of pink T-shirt price .

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